Embracing a Trinitarian mission is a sacred invitation from God who reveals Himself In stereo: God the Father is the person of grace and compassion; God the Son is the person of personal encounter that is source of salvation and transformation; God the Holy Spirit (not it), which is the person who fills each believer with the power to be a witness and to live out the mission of the King! Three distinct persons who are ONE invites New Hope Fellowship to participate in God’s redemption both locally (in our Parish Community), and internationally through the shed blood and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our church has been invited to spread the whole Gospel and to be disciples who intentionally in a relational context make other disciples This means that every person in New Hope Fellowship is on the journey of recovery (sanctification) ,and is called to support and participate in the community life of the church beginning in their Jerusalem (Households), being the hands and feet of Christ “right here” in El Dorado has we unleash compassion and Radical Hospitality. We are committed to extend the Life, Love, and Power of Jesus Christ to our neighbors.
· Engaged by grace from the Father in offering Radical Hospitality
· Equipping intentionally & relationally as modeled by the Son of God for others to be Full -Fledged followers who are making other followers
· Empowered by the Holy Spirit to unleash compassion both locally and internationally
We are a community of imperfect people who are in process of discovering walking in our Purpose in Christ and becoming obedient followers in Christ who are making a difference in El Dorado County … One Life at a Time!